Swing Speed Increases Distance
Distance is such a hot topic in golf right now, as it should be. Distance is a definite advantage in golf and does lead to lower scores. Increasing swing speed and distance is a good thing to do no matter what level of player you are. Each mile per hour of increased club head speed creates about 3 yards in added distance. Good thing is that almost everyone can increase their swing speed. Does this mean we need to spend hours at the gym and guzzle down protein shakes? I don’t think so.
Swing speed is something that can be learned, and can also be unlearned. Over time, when we seek control of our shots or attempt to avoid those embarrassing moments, we tend to start making easier, slower, controlled swings, this is literally training ourselves out of swing speed. This new slow speed becomes our new normal. Basically, swinging slow, or practicing slow, makes us slow. Good news is we can train and swing in the opposite way. If a golfer practices swinging faster this will become the brain and body’s new normal. As you begin to practice swinging faster, everyone will naturally be a little bit wilder in accuracy - this is ok, our body and brain can, and will, organize faster movements.
So next time you are at the range or swinging in the backyard, spend some time ramping up your speed with each swing. Get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be bothered at first with where the ball is traveling, just that you are swinging faster on each attempt. Remember that speed and accuracy can and should be trained separately. Over a few sessions you will feel an increase in speed, you will be creating a new “normal” speed.
Give it a try. Good luck with this and if you would like to learn more about this or other other ways to improve your game you can find me at alpinegolfmichigan.com